Key C: Yellow, Orange, Red

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1a Thallus foliose

2a Thallus K+ purple

Xanthoria and Xanthomendoza

2b Thallus K-

3a Lobes < 0.5 mm wide and < 2 mm long

Candelaria concolor

3b Lobes > 1 mm wide


1b Thallus fruticose

4a Thallus medium to large (generally > 2 cm diameter)

5a Thallus bright yellow to fluorescent green; widespread


5b Thallus orange; immediate coast

Teloschistes flavicans

4b Thallus minute (generally < 2 cm long), yellow to orange

6a Soredia present

7a Thallus dwarf erect fruticose, generally < 2 mm high; on rock, occasionally trees.

Xanthoria candelaria

7b Thallus small, prostrate to suberect fruticose, generally > 2 mm high; sheltered crevices in calcareous rock in steppe and dry forests.

Teloschistes contortuplicatus

6b Soredia lacking

8a On seacoast rocks

Caloplaca coralloides

8b On other substrates

9a Thallus knobby, short-branched, yellow to orange, typically forming compact globular clusters on twigs; apothecia generally present


9b Thallus of short, branched, erect, orange filaments, the filaments forming a mat generally < 5 mm high; apothecia absent; common on tree trunks in many habitats, generally where moist

Trentepoblia (a free-living alga)