Key D: Umbilicate, Foliose

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1a Photobiont blue-green; thallus often < 1 cm wide


1b Photobiont green; thallus generally > 1 cm wide

2a Ascocarps forming perithecia (visible as black dots on the surface) or fruiting structures lacking; isidia and soredia lacking

3a Perithecia present


3b Perithecia lacking

4a Habitat usually semi-aquatic (streamside rocks, trickle lines on cliffs, seepy cracks in outcrops, etc.)


4b Habitat various but seldom semi-aquatic


2b Ascocarps forming apothecia; isidia or soredia occasionally present

5a Thallus white to gray, pruinose, appearing areolate, KC+R; apothecia brown, sunken in the thallus; spores minute, spherical, 2-4 μm diameter, many per ascus; on calcareous rock in continental climates

[Glypholecia scabra]

5b Thallus and apothecia otherwise; spores larger, 8/ascus

6a Thallus yellowish to greenish, occasionally whitish; apothecia lecanorine


6b Thallus brown, black, gray, whitish gray or red; apothecia lecideine

7a Upper surface conspicuously blistered or warty, the warts typically 1-5 mm diameter and 1 mm or more high; rare disjuncts


7b Upper surface variously textured (often rugose) but not conspicuously warty; common
