Key G: Fruticose, Blackish Filamentous

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1a Filaments over 2 cm long and over 0.1 mm in diameter; photobiont a single-celled green alga

2a Thallus forming black, richly branched, prostrate flat mats on siliceous rock


2b Thallus color various, sparsely branched, prostrate or erect; substrate various but most common on trees


1b Filaments less than 2 cm long or less than 0.1 mm in diameter; photobiont blue-green, often filamentous (LM needed to proceed with confidence from this point)

3a Filaments very fine, main branches < 20 μm (= 0.02 mm) diameter

4a Fungal hyphae on the surface of the filaments very irregular and bent (LM)

Cystocoleus ebeneus

4b Fungal hyphae parallel and straight to somewhat knobby, coalescing (LM)

Racodium rupestre

3b Filaments more coarse, main branches generally > 70 μm diameter

5a On rock, mosses over rock, soil, or moss over soil

6a Thallus mat forming; on rock

Ephebe (not treated here)

6b Thallus cushion forming; substrate various

7a Spores brown, 2- to 4-celled; on soil and mosses. Cephalodia fruticose; thallus reduced; arctic-alpine to montane; rare

Solorina spongiosa

7b Spores hyaline, spores multicellular to muriform; on all substrates

8a On mosses over rock; spores 2-celled; thallus densely cushion forming, richly branched, with glossy round branches; apothecia usually present

Polychidium muscicola

8b On various substrates including moss over rock, spores multicellular to muriform; thallus minutely fruticose or more often with fruticose projections from a dorsiventral thallus


5b On bark

9a Hyaline hairs present on surface (LM); on bark w Cas


9b Hyaline hairs lacking; substrate various

10a Cortical cells in jigsaw pattern (LM); photobiont Scytonema (cylindrical filamentous)

Polychidium contortum

10b Cortical cells forming a mosaic but not jigsaw patterned

11a Photobiont Nostoc (beaded-filamentous)

Leptogium (lichenoides and teretiusculum)

11b Photobiont Scytonema (cylindrical-filamentous)

[Polychidium dendriscum]