Key I: Fruticose, not Hollow-Stalked

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1a Thallus free-living (loose) on soil

Group 1 (Lead 5)

Thallus free-living (loose) on soil

1b Thallus attached, substrate various

2a Thallus brown to black, olive black, pale brown, or grayish brown

Group 2 (Lead 9)

Thallus brown to black, olive black, pale brown, or grayish brown

2b Thallus some shade of gray, green, yellow-green, or whitish

3a Cortex lacking; thallus whitish, of minute, delicate pseudopodetia forming a short (generally < 1 cm), leprose-appearing turf; common in many open habitats

Leprocaulon (not treated here)

3b Cortex present; thallus various

4a Thallus white, gray, olive gray, or brownish white (usnic acid lacking)

Group 3 (Lead 18)

Thallus white, gray, olive gray, or brownish white

4b Thallus yellowish green to pale green (containing usnic acid)

Group 4 (Lead 25)

Thallus yellowish green to pale green (containing usnic acid)